Upcoming conference. Subsidy, Patronage & Sponsorship : Theatre and Performance Culture in Uncertain Times 19-21 July 2012

In a time of uncertainty and change in UK arts funding, department academics Graham Saunders and John Bull are convening a three day international conference at the Sackler Centre Victoria & Albert Museum, London, 19-21 July 2012 to explore arts policy around the world. Part of their AHRC funded research project Giving Voice to the Nation, ‘Subsidy, Patronage & Sponsorship : Theatre and Performance Culture in Uncertain Times’ will investigate and explore the changing face of arts funding and state subsidy. This is particularly relevant in the current climate of cuts to Arts Council England and the Conservative government’s encouraging of corporate sponsorship, philanthropy and entrepreneurial fund raising in place of public funding. Concentrating on the international situation in theatre and performance culture, the conference will bring together academics, practitioners and those working in arts funding to debate relationships between subsidy and arts policy on the organisation, practice and development of theatre from the mid twentieth century to the present.

For more information, please contact g.saunders@reading.ac.uk.